Author Archives: C22Marketing

How Do Dentists Deep Clean Your Teeth?

How Do Dentists Deep Clean Your Teeth Featured Image - Bowen Family Dentistry

Have you ever wondered why visiting the dentist every six months for a dental checkup is so important? Because dentist professionals have specialized training and access to professional-grade dental instruments, they’re the only ones who can thoroughly clean your teeth and remove 100 percent of the harmful bacteria and plaque that choose to make their […]

Did You Miss Your Dental Appointment?

Did You Miss Your Dental Appointment Featured Image - Bowen Family Dentistry

Due to COVID-19, many dental offices, such as ours, were temporarily closed to everything but emergency dental services. This means that other appointments or procedures were canceled or postponed. But what happens if you had one of those scheduled appointments? Our dentists in Manhattan, Kansas have some recommendations. Get Your Appointment Rescheduled Just because it […]

Whiten Your Teeth Naturally

Whiten Your Teeth Naturally Featured Image - Bowen Family Dentistry

Instead of using harsh chemicals on your teeth, think about all the natural foods that can whiten your teeth. Strawberries. Who doesn’t love these sweet fruits? Strawberries contain malic acid that can remove discoloration from your teeth. You can eat as many of these however you choose and naturally whiten your smile. Seeds and nuts. […]

Why You Should Be Brushing Your Tongue

Why You Should Be Brushing Your Tongue Featured Image - Bowen Family Dentistry

Should you brush your tongue? That’s the million-dollar question. While most people think that brushing their teeth is enough, dentists say that you should also be cleaning your tongue. This is because research shows that there are more than 700 different types of bacteria in your mouth, many of which are on your tongue. This […]